Retro PC

While cleaning up my cellar I hit on an old motherboard with an old cpu. I was wondering If I can make something out of it. I decided to build a retro PC with some new parts. To be precise, I don't want to use a bulky power supply and only connect a cd drive if it is required. I had to buy some missing parts to realise my project. From AliExpress Pico PSU DC-ATX-160W 24Pin ( ~ 8 $ Free shipping to Germany) Converter Power Kabel 20P ATX to AT 2 Port 6 Pin ( ~3 $ Free shipping to Germany) From Ebay Graphic card VGA S3 ViRGE/DX ( ~ 5 € + 2 € delivery) So I paid round about 17 € for this project. List of all components: 64 MB 72 pin Ram S3 Virge/DX with 4 MB Ram and 72 MHz Pico PSU for power supply Gigabyte P/I-P55TP4N motherboard Pentium 1 with 166 mHz (codename: P55C) released 1997 ...